čtvrtek 29. května 2008

Bone Left Alone

You awake me
in my darkest light
I change my fluid
to crimson dark
taken by carriage
down the welsh

Lone as a fish

úterý 27. května 2008


He’s a big boy
He’s a small man
What will he become?
Not angry, not angry,

Meet the woman
On the highway to your heart
Let her be uncanny
Let her be smart.

See her as her
Not as them.
See her as you.
Big girl,
Woman little.


We come from waters deep
Fragrances heavy-sweet
Confuse our wishes with fears
Want to shout honesty
Turn to bed with guilt.

If we could be diamond-eyed
Pure of heart
Less disguised
Our love would matter.

His Heart, Red on White

Sending shivers down my spine
With his obscene
His honesty shames me
To the bone.

Whatever he feels
Hurtful and crying
I would jump off the cliff
To save his soul and
Bring it back
Among the sheep.

Let’s put up a flag
In this country
Where hearts meet to
Rest in

Out of all templates
I’ve chosen your silhouette
Let me walk in your
Heavy shoes and
Sing praise of

I’m clinging to your
Little finger.

Behind Wire Rims

Behind his wire rims
His mind is
Sending off electric
Blue light.

Whatever he’s thinking
I don’t want to be a part
That’s what she meant by
Walking the land of
Liquid ice.

Undercurrents of his doubts
And models of thirteen-
Dimensional worlds
Leave me dumb.

Whatever he’s up to I
Hope will simplify
Whatever he wants I
Dream won't collide
With embers of
The soul.

pátek 16. května 2008


Hearts are so hard to
Always easier to boys who wear

A heart as marsh-mallow
I turn to an edge you
crack your head

Don't steal my tides
I'm so strung-high
on the beach with-
out melting

Don't wear my smiles
I loose my

You want to drive a motorbike with
your mother,

When my father jumps into the grave
my foot
a tug.


čtvrtek 1. května 2008

Let's get cheesy about love again...


We see through the light
the specks of dust
when sun is rising
everything’s older than us
our love ancient
don’t let me mention
ending to


Handful of music
from wet grass
and air
You smile
as I translate
the wind’s whispers

Just made love to the sea
smoothed bed sheet
Touch me with eyes
in my heart’s embrace.